Monday Again...

Another Blast From My unsent letter to the ether...I remind me  of the Moody Blues tune..."letters I've written, never meaning to send..."
A never published look back!

July 3, somewhat of an inauspicious beginning to a special month. I have certainly been blessed with a long life. Later this week, July 6, I turn 75! Yea me!! (Now 79 AND still lucid...Isn't life strange?...more Moody Blues! They still work well!)

I am almost to a place where I am content and accept my faults and realities. I'm in Redondo Beach, CA. Hanging out with friends and smoking a lot of pot. Tried vaping THC a bit, must admit, it is convenient but I seem to cough a lot, way too much. I won't be doing it again and can't recommend it; kind of a nasty nuisance from my perspective!  I am and remain a fan of my buds and flowers for joints or pipe smoking. I think, I'm going to look into a good bong at some point soon. A water pipe type maybe...any suggestions?

I am going to start blogging again.  As mentioned here last Saturday, we kicked off our serious attempt at rebuilding the Irish Arts and Entertainment; which has gone better than we hoped so I am going to do my best at focusing on my All Things Irish Blog as another important facet of our Irish Outreach. 

I do think that I have something to offer my readers. I am a procrastinator. These exercises in blogging might help overcome that mighty flaw. You, dear reader can help. Help make this by commenting and sharing your thoughts with me. This Pandemic has led to a lot of isolation and loneliness all over the world. We can change that and this can be a small part of that action.
That is it for now. The Senior Stoner will be on hiatus. The Weed gods conspired against me and I ended up (for now) in South Carolina and pot is illegal here.
ALL THINGS IRISH is coming back as a weekly and for the first time ever, I am going to use it to try to sell subscriptions and raise money. We need help! We have an important and needed story to tell, in point of fast!...a million stories to tell!! We can't do it without the support of our readers. 
Email me if you want to join our Friends Group and re-subscribe.


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