The Senior Stoner


..."for there's something in a Sunday makes a body feel alone"
probably misquoted from Jerry Jeff Walker

Well,  I wasn't sure about feeling alone but it was definitely Sunday so the tune seemed right. Beside, it is playing in my head and it comes and goes.
I just had a cup of Irish Butter Coffee, my take on Bulletproof or Butter Coffee which I have been hearing a bit of a buzz about of late. My take is pure Kerrygold Irish Butter and Organic Coconut Oil and Organic Coffee, a dark roast from Peru.
Prep time is 2-3 minutes per cup, I am drinking my second.
It's delicious and has a nice awake buzz to it, more than the usual blast from a cup or two of coffee.
Speaking of a buzz, Thursday afternoon, I dropped into the office in Pacific Beach; gotta stay out of there. Little Ivan the Christian Syrian was there and for $20.fixed me up with a nice little bag of pot.
It is Sunday at 3:48pm PST and I have been tapering off and finishing off the baggie slowly since about noon or 1:00pm

One of the things that was said about the effects of Irish Butter Coffee was that it had a hunger suppressing quality.
Maybe, it does. I am not hungry. Usually, I would probably have eaten more by now. So far, only a bran muffin at the Coffee Bean, a cup of dark roast there and two cups of my newly concocted coffee blend. Now 4:30pm, starting to think about eating something.


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